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"Exploring the Diversity of Human Culture: Insights from Anthropology"
Economic Anthropology - Anthroholic

Economic Anthropology

Economic Anthropology is a branch of Anthropology which studies the cross - cultural aspect of production, distribution and consumption patterns i.e. it analyses the economic life of a society with anthropological perspective.
Branches of Anthropology - Anthroholic

Branches of Anthropology

Archaeology, biological or physical anthropology, linguistic anthropology, cultural or social anthropology, and other areas are among the various specialties accessible to anthropologists.
Anthropocene - Anthroholic


A new epoch known as the Anthropocene is swiftly coming. This notion, which is being studied by climate scientists, geologists, archaeologists, historians, ecologists, and poets, has been embraced by authors, activists, artists, and poets.
Relative Dating - Anthroholic

Relative Dating

Relative dating is a set of methods that archaeologists use to determine the age of objects based on the sequence in which they appear in a site of excavation.
Absolute dating is the technique by which researchers calculate the exact age of any specimen using a wide range of scientific principles and phenomena. Since archaeological material is found in geological contexts like mounds, valleys, exposed sections of river etc. both fields utilise absolute dating during research.

Absolute Dating

Absolute dating is the technique by which researchers calculate the exact age of any specimen using a wide range of scientific principles and phenomena. Since archaeological material is found in geological contexts like mounds, valleys, exposed sections of river etc. both fields utilise absolute dating during research.
Applied Anthropology Anthroholic

Applied Anthropology

"Applied anthropology" is stated as "anthropology employed to address an issue." Anthropology is in use. Malinowski, the creator of modern anthropology
Cultural Resource Management Anthroholic

Cultural Resource Management

Fundamentally, cultural resource management is a process that gives attention to the protection and management of the many but sparsely distributed components of cultural heritage in a modern world with a growing population and changing needs.
Prehistoric Archaeology Anthroholic

Prehistoric Archaeology

Prehistoric archaeology employs this technique to examine prehistory, the preliterate period of the human race's history. More than 99 percent of human history may be discovered using ancient archaeology or prehistory as a subject of study.
Forensic Toxicology Anthroholic

Forensic Toxicology

Forensic Toxicology is a branch of forensic science which deals with toxicological evidence. Forensic toxicology is the application of knowledge of toxins and its adverse effects on the living body in the court of law for the administration of justice.
What is Urban Archaeology

Urban Archaeology

Urban archaeology is a discipline of archaeology that focuses on the material history of towns and cities, where protracted human occupation has frequently left
Environmental Archaeology

Environmental Archaeology

Environmental archaeology is a discipline of archaeology that was originally researched in the 1970s. It is the study of how past civilizations interacted with their environments.
The ethical questions brought up by studying the physical past are called "archaeological ethics." It is a subset of archaeology's philosophy. The preservation of human remains, laws preserving human remains and cultural artifacts, worldwide issues, and preservation and ethnoarchaeology will all be explored in this article.

Archaeological Ethics

The ethical questions brought up by studying the physical past are called "archaeological ethics." It is a subset of archaeology's philosophy. The preservation of human remains, laws preserving human remains and cultural artifacts, worldwide issues, and preservation and ethnoarchaeology will all be explored in this article.
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