Relationship between Anthropology and Behavioral Science

Anthropology and behavioral science are two fields that are closely related and often overlap in their study of human behavior. Anthropology is the study of humans, including their biological and cultural aspects, while behavioral science focuses on the study of human behavior and the underlying cognitive and emotional processes that drive it.

Relationship between Anthropology and Behavioral Science

The relationship between anthropology and behavioral science is rooted in their shared focus on understanding human behavior. Both disciplines use various research methods, including observation, experimentation, and analysis of data, to investigate how humans behave in different situations and contexts. However, there are some key differences between the two fields.

Difference between Anthropology and Behavioural Science

One of the main differences is that anthropology tends to focus more on the cultural aspects of human behavior, while behavioral science is more concerned with the psychological and cognitive processes that underlie behavior. Anthropologists study the ways in which people interact with each other, the customs and beliefs that shape their behavior, and the ways in which these behaviors are transmitted from generation to generation. Behavioral scientists, on the other hand, study the cognitive and emotional processes that influence behavior, such as perception, attention, memory, and decision-making.

Similarities between Anthropology and Behavioral Science

Despite these differences, there are many areas where the two fields intersect. For example, both anthropology and behavioral science are interested in studying the effects of culture on behavior. Anthropologists may study how cultural beliefs and practices influence behavior in different societies, while behavioral scientists may study how cultural factors affect cognitive processes and decision-making.

Another area of overlap is the study of human development. Anthropologists may study how children are socialized into their cultural norms and beliefs, while behavioral scientists may study the cognitive and emotional development of children and how this affects their behavior.

Finally, both fields are interested in understanding human evolution and the biological factors that shape human behavior. Anthropologists may study the evolution of human culture and its impact on behavior, while behavioral scientists may study the genetic and neural basis of behavior.


In conclusion, the relationship between anthropology and behavioral science is a complex one, with both fields sharing a common interest in understanding human behavior. While there are some differences in their approaches and focus, there are also many areas where the two fields overlap and complement each other. By working together, anthropologists and behavioral scientists can gain a more comprehensive understanding of human behavior and its underlying causes.

WHO’s Initiative: Behavioural Sciences for Better Health

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