
Social Cultural Anthropology

Social Cultural Anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures, both past and present. It examines the ways in which people live, interact, and understand the world around them, and seeks to understand the diversity of human culture and experience. Anthropologists use a variety of research methods, including participant observation, interviews, and the analysis of cultural artifacts, to gain insights into the beliefs, practices, and social structures of communities. This field of study has important implications for understanding contemporary social issues, such as globalization, migration, and cultural change.

Social Cultural Anthropology

Socio-cultural anthropology is a dynamic and multifaceted field of study that offers valuable insights into the complexities of human societies and cultures. Rooted in the discipline of anthropology, Socio-cultural   anthropology focuses on understanding the diverse range of social and cultural systems that shape human behaviour and beliefs. This article provides an  introduction to Socio-cultural  anthropology, defining the field and highlighting its significance in the study of human societies.

The scope of socio-cultural anthropology is expansive, covering a wide array of topics and regions. Anthropologists explore the intricacies of cultural diversity, examining the beliefs, values, norms, rituals, and social institutions that shape Human  Societies. Through rigorous empirical research, anthropologists strive to unravel the complex interactions between individuals,  communities, and their environment, shedding  light on the dynamics of power, social hierarchies, kinship systems, economic practices, religious beliefs, and language use.

The importance of studying human societies and  cultures from an anthropological  perspective cannot be overstated. By employing ethnographic research methods such as participant  observation, interviews, and the analysis of Cultural Artefacts, Socio-Cultural anthropologists gain an in-depth understanding of the intricacies of different cultural systems. This immersive approach allows them to transcend superficial understandings and appreciate the rich tapestry of human diversity, challenging ethnocentrism and promoting cross-cultural understanding.

Moreover, socio-cultural anthropology plays a critical role in addressing pressing global  challenges. By examining the social, cultural, and historical contexts of various communities, anthropologists contribute to policy-making, sustainable development efforts, and social justice initiatives. Their insights provide valuable perspectives on issues such as globalisation, cultural preservation, Human  rights, and intercultural interactions.

This article serves as an entry point into the vibrant world of Socio-cultural anthropology. It provides a foundation for exploring the breadth and depth of the field, introducing key concepts, theories,  and methodologies. By delving  into the intricate social and cultural fabric of human societies, socio-cultural anthropology offers a unique lens through which to better understand the complexity of human existence.

Historical Development

Socio-cultural Anthropology has undergone significant transformations throughout its history, shaped by the contributions of key figures and the evolution of theoretical perspectives. This  section traces the development of Socio-cultural anthropology, highlighting the influential  individuals and pivotal shifts that have shaped the discipline.

The foundations of Socio-cultural Anthropology can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when pioneering anthropologists laid the groundwork for the field. One of the influential figures during this  period was Franz Boas, often  regarded as the “Father of American Anthropology.” Boas emphasised the importance of cultural relativism and conducted extensive fieldwork among  Indigenous communities in North America, challenging prevailing theories of biological determinism (Hunt, 2015).

In the early 20th century, Bronisław Malinowski emerged as a  central figure in the development of socio-cultural anthropology. Malinowski’s fieldwork in the Trobriand Islands and his emphasis on participant observation and ethnographic research methods revolutionised the discipline. His work laid the foundation for understanding the social and cultural  contexts that shape human behaviour (Young, 2004).

Another significant contributor to socio-cultural anthropology was Margaret Mead, whose fieldwork in Samoa and Papua New Guinea examined the impact of culture on gender, adolescence, and child-rearing practices. Mead’s  research challenged Western notions of sexuality and gender roles, expanding the understanding of cultural variations and social norms (Freeman, 1983).

In the mid-20th century, Claude Lévi-Strauss  introduced structuralism as a prominent theoretical framework within socio-cultural anthropology. Lévi-Strauss explored the underlying structures and patterns that shape cultural  phenomena, emphasising the importance of binary oppositions and Symbolic meanings (Douglas, 2001).

During the latter half of the 20th century, a range of  Theoretical perspectives emerged, leading to paradigmatic shifts in socio-cultural anthropology. Clifford Geertz played a crucial role in developing interpretive anthropology, which focused on the interpretation of symbols, meanings, and cultural practices. Geertz’s emphasis on thick description and the cultural interpretation of social phenomena  expanded the discipline’s analytical toolkit (Geertz, 1973).

The historical development of Socio-cultural Anthropology is marked by  ongoing debates and theoretical advancements. Postmodernist and feminist perspectives have challenged and expanded traditional anthropological approaches, leading to a more reflexive  understanding of culture and power dynamics (Abu-Lughod, 1991; Moore, 1988).

Core Concepts and Methods

Socio-Cultural Anthropology is built upon a set of fundamental concepts and theories that form the basis of understanding human societies and cultures. This section explores key concepts such as culture, society, social organisation,  Symbolism, power, and identity, while  also discussing the research methods employed by anthropologists.

Culture is a central concept in Socio-Cultural Anthropology, referring to the  shared beliefs, values, practices, and behaviours that characterise a particular group or society. It encompasses various  aspects, including language, religion, customs, arts, and technology (Keesing, 1974). Understanding culture is essential in comprehending how individuals and groups construct meaning, interpret the  world, and engage in social interactions.

Society refers to the collective organisation of individuals who share a common culture and interact within a specific social structure. It encompasses social institutions, roles, norms, and patterns of social interaction (Giddens, 1997). Socio-cultural  Anthropology examines the ways in  which societies are organised, the roles individuals play within them, and the dynamics of social relationships.

Social organisation refers to the structures and systems that regulate social life within a society.  It includes kinship systems, political institutions, economic arrangements, and social hierarchies (Schneider, 1968). Anthropologists study  social organisation to understand the patterns of social relationships, power dynamics, and the distribution of resources within a given Society.

Symbolism plays a crucial role in socio-cultural anthropology, as it explores the meanings and  significance attributed to various symbols, rituals, and cultural practices. Symbolic analysis helps uncover the underlying values, Beliefs, and social structures that shape human behaviour and identity (Turner, 1967).

Power is a concept that highlights the distribution and exercise of authority within social relationships. Socio-cultural anthropology examines how power operates at different levels, from interpersonal interactions to political systems, and  how it influences social dynamics, social inequality, and the construction of social identities (Foucault, 1977).

Identity is a multifaceted concept explored in socio-cultural  anthropology, referring to the ways individuals and groups perceive themselves and are perceived by others within a social and cultural context. It encompasses various aspects, including ethnicity, gender, nationality, and social roles (Hall, 1990). Anthropologists investigate how identities are constructed, negotiated, and transformed, shedding light on the complexities of social identity formation.

Anthropologists employ a range of research methods to investigate human Societies and Cultures. Participant observation, where the researcher immerses themselves within the community they study, allows for firsthand experiences and in-depth  understanding (Malinowski, 1922). Interviews and conversations with individuals provide valuable insights into  their perspectives, experiences, and cultural practices. Ethnographic research involves systematic data collection, including the recording of observations, interviews, and analysis of cultural artefacts  (Hammersley & Atkinson, 2007).

Cultural Relativism

Cultural relativism is a fundamental principle in Socio-cultural anthropology,  highlighting the importance of understanding and interpreting cultural practices and beliefs  within their specific social and historical contexts. It forms the basis for anthropologists’  approach to studying diverse cultures, avoiding ethnocentrism and embracing a nuanced perspective.

Cultural relativism recognizes that different cultures have their unique sets of values, norms, and practices that are shaped by their specific historical, social, and environmental circumstances (Herskovits, 1955). It emphasises  that no culture can be judged superior or inferior to another based on external standards or one’s own cultural biases.

Anthropologists strive to adopt a  relativistic Standpoint when studying cultures, suspending judgement and immersing themselves in the cultural context of the communities they study. This approach allows them to understand cultural practices from the perspective of the insiders, appreciating their meanings, functions, and significance within their own cultural framework.

By practising cultural relativism, anthropologists  aim to  avoid Ethnocentrism, which is the tendency to evaluate or interpret other cultures based on the standards of one’s own culture. Instead, they recognize the validity and legitimacy of different cultural practices and beliefs, even if they differ from their own cultural norms.

Through participant observation, interviews, and ethnographic  research, anthropologists seek to uncover the complexities of cultural systems and the interconnections between various cultural elements. They explore the social, Historical, and environmental factors that shape cultural practices, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of cultural diversity and the dynamic nature of cultures over time.

Cultural relativism does  not imply endorsing or condoning all cultural practices indiscriminately. Anthropologists also engage in critical analysis and ethical considerations, especially when confronted with practices that  may violate human rights or lead to harm. However, cultural relativism provides a framework to approach Cultural  differences with sensitivity and respect, Promoting cross-cultural understanding and challenging ethnocentric biases.

By embracing cultural relativism, Socio-cultural anthropology  contributes to fostering empathy, Cultural appreciation, and intercultural dialogue. It recognizes the rich tapestry of human diversity and the intrinsic value of  preserving and celebrating cultural differences.

Ethnography and Fieldwork

Ethnography and fieldwork are central methodologies in socio-cultural anthropology, playing a crucial role in gaining a comprehensive understanding of cultures, social dynamics, and the complexities of human behaviour. These methods involve immersing oneself in the community being studied, engaging in participant observation, and conducting in-depth interviews to capture the nuances of the cultural context.

Ethnography is a research approach that aims to provide a detailed and descriptive account of a particular culture or social group. It involves conducting extensive fieldwork, which refers to the firsthand study of a community or society by living among its members and observing their behaviours, interactions, and cultural practices (Geertz, 1973).

One of the key aspects of fieldwork is participant observation, where the anthropologist actively participates in the daily activities of the community being studied. By embedding themselves within the cultural context, anthropologists can gain unique insights into the social norms, values, and practices of the community. They observe and document the interactions, rituals, ceremonies, and other aspects of daily life, allowing for a holistic understanding of the culture (Malinowski, 1922).

In addition to participant observation, anthropologists also conduct in-depth interviews with community members. These interviews provide opportunities to explore individual perspectives, beliefs, experiences, and interpretations of cultural practices. Through open-ended and guided conversations, anthropologists can delve into the meanings and significance attributed to various aspects of the culture, gaining insights into individual and collective identities (Spradley, 1979).

Ethnographic research also involves the collection and analysis of various forms of data, including cultural artefacts, documents, photographs, and audiovisual materials. These sources contribute to a rich and multifaceted understanding of the culture under study (Emerson, Fretz, & Shaw, 2011).

The immersive nature of ethnography and fieldwork allows anthropologists to go beyond surface-level observations and uncover the underlying cultural systems, social structures, and power dynamics at play within a community. It facilitates the exploration of cultural variations, the impact of globalisation, and the changes that occur over time.

Ethnography and fieldwork contribute to the knowledge and understanding of socio-cultural anthropology by providing a detailed and contextualised account of human societies and cultures. They offer opportunities for cross-cultural dialogue, challenge preconceived notions, and promote cultural relativism.

Key Areas of Study

Socio-cultural anthropology encompasses a wide range of areas of study, each focusing on different aspects of human societies and cultures. This section highlights major areas of study within socio-cultural anthropology, providing a brief introduction to each area and offering examples of the types of questions anthropologists explore.

Kinship and Family: Kinship systems and family structures vary across cultures and play a fundamental role in shaping social organization and relationships. Anthropologists examine the ways in which kinship is defined, how kinship ties are established, and the roles and obligations associated with different kinship relationships. For example, anthropologists may explore questions such as how kinship influences inheritance patterns, marriage practices, and caregiving responsibilities within a particular society (Schneider, 1968).

Religion and Ritual: Religion and ritual practices are central to many cultures, providing frameworks for belief systems, moral codes, and social cohesion. Anthropologists study various aspects of religion, including beliefs, rituals, symbols, and the role of religious leaders within communities. They investigate the functions of religious practices, such as promoting social solidarity, explaining the natural and supernatural world, and facilitating rites of passage (Geertz, 1973).

Language and Communication: Language is a  fundamental  aspect of human culture, shaping social interactions, transmitting knowledge, and expressing identity. Anthropologists explore the diversity of languages and  their cultural significance,  investigating how languages evolve, the relationship between language and culture, and the role of language in shaping social hierarchies and power dynamics. They also study nonverbal communication systems, such as gestures and facial expressions, to understand how meaning is conveyed beyond words (Duranti, 1997).

Economic Systems: Anthropologists  examine  economic systems and the ways in which people produce, distribute, and consume resources within different cultural contexts. They explore questions related to subsistence strategies,  economic exchange, labour divisions, and the impact of globalisation on local economies. For instance, anthropologists may investigate  how societies adapt to changing economic conditions, the role of gender in economic activities, and the consequences of market integration on traditional livelihoods (Sahlins, 1972).

Politics: Political systems and governance  structures vary across societies, and anthropologists study the organisation of power, authority, and decision-making processes within different cultural contexts. They  analyse political institutions, leadership roles, and mechanisms of social control. Anthropologists also explore how political ideologies and conflicts shape social relationships and influence collective action, such as social movements or resistance against oppression (Wolf, 1982).

Globalisation: Globalisation is a  Significant area of study within socio-cultural anthropology, focusing on the interconnectedness of societies and the impact of transnational processes on local cultures. Anthropologists examine the cultural, economic,  and social changes resulting from globalisation, including the diffusion of ideas, migration patterns, and the  influence of global media. They investigate  how local cultures negotiate and adapt to global forces while maintaining their distinct identities (Appadurai, 1996).

These areas of study are not exhaustive, and socio-cultural anthropology encompasses a broad range of topics and subfields. The interdisciplinary nature of the field allows anthropologists to engage with other disciplines, such as sociology, linguistics, and history, to provide comprehensive and  nuanced insights into Human  societies and Cultures.

Theoretical Perspectives

Socio-cultural anthropology employs various  Theoretical Perspectives to analyse and interpret human societies and cultures. This section highlights some influential theoretical perspectives within the field and discusses their contributions to our  understanding of the complexities of human behaviour and social systems.

Functionalism: Functionalism, associated with early anthropologists  such as Bronislaw Malinowski, examines social institutions and cultural practices in terms of their functions and contributions to the overall  stability and cohesion of a society. Functionalists focus on how different aspects of culture work together to fulfill basic human needs and maintain social order. This perspective emphasises the interdependence of cultural elements and the role they play in maintaining social equilibrium (Malinowski, 1944).

Structuralism: Structuralism, developed by  Claude Lévi-Strauss, emphasises the underlying structures and patterns that shape cultural phenomena. It examines the underlying systems of relationships and symbolic meanings that exist within  a Culture. Structuralists analyse the binary oppositions and symbolic structures that form the basis of cultural expression and  meaning. They explore the ways in which these structures shape social organisation, kinship systems, and symbolic representations (Lévi-Strauss, 1963).

Interpretivism: Interpretivist approaches, also  known as Symbolic or interpretive anthropology, emphasise understanding culture from the perspective of the actors within a particular cultural context. This perspective focuses on the meanings, interpretations, and symbolic representations that individuals and communities attach to their social practices. Interpretivists strive to uncover the subjective experiences and cultural frameworks that inform people’s actions and understandings of the world (Geertz, 1973).

Postmodernism: Postmodernism challenges the universalist assumptions of earlier anthropological theories and emphasises the contextual and contingent nature of knowledge and culture. Postmodernist anthropologists critique grand narratives and emphasise the diversity of voices and perspectives within cultures. They explore issues of power, representation, and the ways in which knowledge is constructed and contested. Postmodernism encourages reflexivity and acknowledges the situated nature of the anthropologist’s own position within the research process (Clifford, 1986).

Feminist Anthropology: Feminist anthropology emerged as a response to the gender biases present in earlier anthropological theories and research. Feminist anthropologists examine gender as a social and cultural construct and explore the ways in which it intersects with other axes of power and identity. They analyse the impact of gender on social roles, power dynamics, and cultural practices. Feminist anthropology also highlights the importance of considering gender in the research process and challenges gender-based inequalities within the discipline (Moore, 1988).

These theoretical perspectives have contributed to the development of socio-cultural anthropology by offering different lenses through which to understand and interpret human societies and cultures. They have enriched our understanding of the complexities of social life, the diversity of cultural practices, and the dynamics of power and representation within societies.

Contributions to Society

Socio-cultural anthropology extends its influence beyond academic research, making practical contributions to various aspects of society. This section explores the ways in which anthropological insights can inform policy-making, development projects, cultural preservation, and intercultural understanding.

Policy-Making: Anthropological research provides valuable insights into the social, cultural, and historical contexts that shape human behavior and practices. Policymakers can draw on anthropological studies to design more effective and culturally sensitive policies and programs. For example, understanding local cultural practices and belief systems can help shape healthcare policies, educational initiatives, and social welfare programs that better address the needs and aspirations of specific communities (Wade, 1997).

Development Projects: Anthropologists contribute to development projects by conducting ethnographic research that informs sustainable and community-driven initiatives. By understanding the cultural values, knowledge  systems, and social dynamics within a community, anthropologists can help identify locally appropriate strategies for development interventions. This approach ensures that projects align with community priorities, are contextually relevant, and promote local participation and ownership (Escobar, 1995).

Cultural Preservation: Anthropology plays a crucial role in the preservation  and revitalization of endangered cultural practices, languages, and knowledge systems. By documenting and  studying traditional practices, anthropologists contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage. They work alongside communities to support efforts in language  revitalization, cultural revitalization, and the preservation of intangible cultural heritage. Anthropologists advocate for the recognition and respect of diverse cultural expressions and  contribute to the sustainability of cultural diversity (Hafstein, 2013).

 Intercultural Understanding:Anthropology promotes intercultural understanding by challenging stereotypes, fostering empathy, and facilitating dialogue between different cultures. Through comparative studies and cross-cultural analysis, anthropologists highlight the shared humanity and the diversity of human experiences. This understanding promotes tolerance, respect, and appreciation for cultural differences, contributing to the promotion of intercultural dialogue, multiculturalism, and global citizenship (Kottak, 2013).

Anthropological contributions to society  extend beyond these examples, encompassing a wide range of fields and applications. The holistic and contextual nature of socio-cultural anthropology allows for a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of human societies and cultures, and its insights can inform and shape a variety of endeavours aimed at improving human well-being and fostering intercultural understanding.

Challenges and Future Directions

Socio-cultural anthropology faces various  challenges that require careful consideration and proactive responses. This section addresses some of these challenges, including ethical concerns, power imbalances, and the need for decolonizing the discipline. It also speculates on potential future directions, highlighting emerging topics and methodologies that may shape the field.

Ethical Concerns: Anthropologists must grapple  with ethical considerations when conducting research involving human subjects. This includes obtaining informed consent, ensuring privacy and confidentiality, and mitigating  potential harm to participants and communities. Ethical dilemmas may arise when navigating power dynamics,  Cultural sensitivity, and representation. Anthropologists are increasingly engaging in reflexive and collaborative research practices that prioritise ethical principles and promote responsible engagement with research participants (American Anthropological Association, 2012).

Power Imbalances: Anthropologists recognize the power imbalances  inherent in the research process and the potential for their work to perpetuate or challenge existing power structures. It is essential to critically examine the researcher’s  positionality, privilege, and potential biases that may influence the research and its interpretation. Collaborative and participatory research approaches , which involve local communities as active partners in the research process, can help address power imbalances and foster more inclusive knowledge production (Smith, 2012).

Decolonizing the Discipline: Socio-cultural Anthropology  has been historically entangled with colonial processes and Eurocentric perspectives. Efforts to decolonize the discipline seek to challenge dominant narratives,  centre marginalised voices and perspectives, and address the legacies of colonialism in anthropological research. This involves engaging with postcolonial theories, recognizing the importance of indigenous knowledge systems, and amplifying marginalised voices through collaborative and inclusive research practices (Clifford, 1997).

Future Directions: The future of socio-cultural anthropology  is likely to be shaped by emerging topics and methodologies. Some potential future directions include:

  • Environmental Anthropology: With increasing awareness  of environmental challenges, Anthropologists are exploring the interactions between human societies and their environments. This includes studying issues such as climate change, sustainable practices, and the impact of human activities on ecosystems.
  • Digital Anthropology: The growing influence of digital  technologies on society has led to the emergence of digital anthropology. This field examines how digital platforms, virtual communities, and online  interactions shape social relationships, identities, and cultural practices.
  • Medical Anthropology: Medical Anthropology explores the social, Cultural, and political dimensions of health and illness. This field examines topics such as healthcare systems, healing practices, and the social  determinants of health.
  • Applied Anthropology: Applied anthropology involves using anthropological insights and methods to address practical problems and contribute to real-world issues. This includes working in areas such as public policy, Social justice,  community development, and organisational consulting.

These potential future directions  reflect the evolving nature of socio-cultural anthropology as it responds to emerging societal challenges and engages with interdisciplinary approaches.


Socio-cultural anthropology is a discipline that holds  immense significance in our understanding and appreciation of Human diversity. Throughout this article, we have explored various aspects of socio-cultural anthropology, including its historical  development, core concepts and methods, Cultural relativism, ethnography and fieldwork, key areas of study, theoretical perspectives, contributions to society, and the challenges and future directions it faces.

Socio-cultural anthropology provides a unique  lens through which we can delve into the complexities of human societies and cultures. By studying cultural practices, social organisations, and symbolic systems, anthropologists offer valuable insights into the rich tapestry of human experiences. The discipline allows us to recognize and celebrate the diverse ways in which people create meaning, organise their societies, and navigate their social worlds.

Anthropology not only contributes to academic knowledge but also has practical applications in various domains. Anthropological insights inform policy-making, development projects, cultural preservation, and intercultural understanding. By incorporating anthropological perspectives, policymakers and practitioners can better address the needs and aspirations of diverse communities, foster sustainable development, and promote cultural diversity.

However, socio-cultural anthropology also faces its share of challenges. Ethical concerns, power imbalances, and the need for decolonization demand ongoing critical reflection and action within the discipline. Anthropologists  must navigate these challenges, embracing ethical research practices, engaging in collaborative and inclusive methodologies, and centering marginalised voices and perspectives.

Looking towards the future, socio-cultural anthropology is poised to continue evolving and addressing emerging topics and methodologies. Environmental anthropology, digital anthropology,  medical anthropology, and applied Anthropology are just a few of the potential directions that may shape the field. By engaging with interdisciplinary approaches and responding to societal challenges, Socio-cultural anthropology can remain a vibrant and relevant discipline.

In conclusion, socio-cultural anthropology offers us a deep understanding of the richness and diversity of human societies and cultures. It enables us to appreciate the intricate connections between individuals, Communities, and their  environments. By embracing ethical practices, acknowledging power imbalances, and addressing the legacies of colonialism, socio-cultural Anthropology can  continue to contribute to our understanding of human diversity and foster a more inclusive and Equitable world.


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  • Sahlins, M. D. (1972). Stone Age Economics. Aldine-Atherton.
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  • Wolf, E. R. (1982). Europe and the People without History. University of California Press.
  • Clifford, J. (1986). Introduction: Partial Truths. In J. Clifford & G. E. Marcus (Eds.), Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography (pp. 1-26). University of California Press.
  • Geertz, C. (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures. Basic Books.
  • Lévi-Strauss, C. (1963). Structural Anthropology. Basic Books.
  • Malinowski, B. (1944). A Scientific Theory of Culture and Other Essays. University of North Carolina Press.
  • Moore, H. L. (1988). Feminism and Anthropology. Polity Press.
  • Escobar, A. (1995). Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World. Princeton University Press.
  • Hafstein, V. T. (2013). The Preservation and Presentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Museum International, 65(1-4), 34-43.
  • Kottak, C. P. (2013). Anthropology: Appreciating Human Diversity. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Wade, P. (1997). Race and Ethnicity in Latin America. Pluto Press.
  • American Anthropological Association. (2012). AAA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from https://www.americananthro.org/Standards-and-Guidelines/Code-of-Ethics
  • Clifford, J. (1997). Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century. Harvard University Press.
  • Smith, L. T. (2012). Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. Zed Books.

See Also

Action AnthropologyAmerican AnthropologyAnthropology of Art
Anthropology of DevelopmentApplied AnthropologyAuto Anthropology
British AnthropologyCognitive AnthropologyCorporate Anthropology
Cyborg AnthropologyDigital AnthropologyEconomic Anthropology
Environmental AnthropologyEpidemiological AnthropologyFather of Anthropology
Forensic AnthropologyFrench AnthropologyGerman Anthropology
Indian AnthropologyJapanese AnthropologyLegal Anthropology
Media AnthropologyMuseum AnthropologyNutritional Anthropology
Philosophical AnthropologyPolitical AnthropologyPsychological Anthropology
Public AnthropologyRussian AnthropologyTheological Anthropology
Transpersonal AnthropologyTribal AnthropologyUrban Anthropology
Visual AnthropologyKinanthropometrySociology
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