
Top 10 Anthropologists Who Revolutionized the Field

Anthropology is a fascinating and complex field that studies human societies, cultures, and their development. It is an interdisciplinary study that encompasses various fields such as history, sociology, psychology, and linguistics. Anthropologists are responsible for studying human behavior and its evolution over time. In this article, we will be discussing the top 10 anthropologists who have revolutionized the field.

Top 10 Anthropologists who revolutionized the field of Anthropology

Introduction to Anthropology and its Importance

Anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures, their development, and their interactions with the environment. It is an important field of study as it helps to understand the diversity of human cultures and the various ways in which they interact with their environment. Anthropologists study human behavior, beliefs, customs, and traditions, and how these have changed over time. The study of anthropology helps us to understand the world around us better and provides us with valuable insights into human behavior.

What Makes a Great Anthropologist?

A great anthropologist is someone who has a deep understanding of human behavior and is able to use various research methods to study it. They should have excellent observational skills and be able to analyze data critically. They should also possess strong communication skills, as they often have to convey complex ideas to people from different cultures and backgrounds. A great anthropologist should be open-minded, curious, and willing to learn from others. They should also be ethical and respectful of the people they study.

Top 10 Anthropologists in History

#1 Franz Boas – Father of American Anthropology

Franz Boas is considered the “Father of American Anthropology.” He revolutionized anthropology by promoting the idea of cultural relativism, which suggests that cultures should be studied on their own terms and not judged by the standards of another culture. Boas believed that cultural differences were the result of historical and environmental factors, and that no culture was superior to another.

#2 Margaret Mead – Cultural Anthropologist

Margaret Mead was a prominent cultural anthropologist who studied various cultures around the world. She is best known for her research on gender roles in Samoa, which challenged the traditional views of gender roles in Western societies. Mead’s work helped to promote the idea that gender roles are not fixed and can vary across cultures.

#3 Claude Levi-Strauss – Structural Anthropologist

Claude Levi-Strauss was a French anthropologist who is known for his work in structural anthropology. He believed that culture was like a language, with its own rules and structures. Levi-Strauss argued that cultural differences were the result of different underlying structures, and that by studying these structures, anthropologists could gain a deeper understanding of human behavior.

#4 Bronislaw Malinowski – Founder of Functionalism

Bronislaw Malinowski was a Polish anthropologist who is considered the founder of functionalism. He believed that the function of a cultural practice should be studied in relation to the needs of the society in which it occurs. Malinowski’s work helped to promote the idea that cultural practices have a purpose and are not just random behaviors.

#5 Clifford Geertz – Symbolic Anthropologist

Clifford Geertz was an American anthropologist who is known for his work in symbolic anthropology. He believed that culture was a system of symbols that people used to give meaning to their lives. Geertz argued that by studying these symbols, anthropologists could gain a deeper understanding of the culture they were studying.

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#6 Marcel Mauss – Founder of French Ethnology

Marcel Mauss was a French sociologist and anthropologist who is known for his work in ethnology. He believed that culture was not just a set of practices, but also a system of values and beliefs. Mauss argued that these values and beliefs were passed down from generation to generation and were an important part of a society’s identity.

#7 E.E. Evans-Pritchard – British Social Anthropologist

E.E. Evans-Pritchard was a British social anthropologist who studied the social structures of various African societies. He believed that these societies had complex systems of social organization that were not easily understood by outsiders. Evans-Pritchard’s work helped to promote the idea that anthropologists should study societies on their own terms and not impose their own ideas on them.

#8 Ruth Benedict – Culture and Personality Theorist

Ruth Benedict was an American anthropologist who is best known for her work on culture and personality. She believed that culture played a significant role in shaping an individual’s personality. Benedict argued that different cultures had different personality types, and that these personality types were shaped by the values and beliefs of the culture.

#9 Zora Neale Hurston – African American Anthropologist

Zora Neale Hurston was an African American anthropologist who studied the folklore and culture of African Americans in the South. She believed that African Americans had a rich cultural heritage that was often overlooked by mainstream society. Hurston’s work helped to promote the idea that the culture of marginalized groups should be studied and celebrated.

#10 Michel Foucault – Postmodern Anthropologist

Michel Foucault was a French philosopher and anthropologist who is best known for his work on power and knowledge. He believed that power was not just exercised by individuals, but was also present in social structures and institutions. Foucault’s work helped to promote the idea that anthropology should focus on the power dynamics of a society and how they shape human behavior.


Anthropology is a complex and fascinating field that has been revolutionized by the work of many great anthropologists. The top 10 anthropologists discussed in this article have made significant contributions to the field and have helped to shape our understanding of human behavior and culture. From Franz Boas’ promotion of cultural relativism to Michel Foucault’s focus on power dynamics, these anthropologists have left a lasting impact on the field of anthropology. Thanks to their work, we have a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures that make up our world.

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