The UPSC IAS Exam is a highly competitive examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to select candidates for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and other civil services in India. This category covers the exam syllabus, pattern, and preparation strategies, as well as the eligibility criteria and selection process. From understanding the exam requirements to learning the tips and tricks for success, this category provides comprehensive information on the UPSC IAS Exam.
In the realm of anthropology, markets are not merely viewed as places for economic exchange but are considered as complex sociocultural systems that are deeply intertwined with local societies, cultures, and politics.
The parallels between religion and magic are rooted in their fundamental nature. They both provide explanations for the unknown, promote social cohesion, and are integral to cultural systems.
One of the most fascinating aspects of the human experience is the way we seek to understand our world. This quest has primarily taken two distinct paths: science and religion. While these domains may seem fundamentally divergent, each seeks to answer profound existential questions about life, the universe, and our place within it.
This triad of age, sex, and population variation as genetic markers forms the cornerstone of personalized medicine, allowing for interventions tailored to an individual's unique genetic makeup. Future research in
The increase in female-headed households represents a shift in the global family structure with significant socio-cultural and economic implications. From a cultural anthropology perspective, the rise underscores the necessity of interrogating traditional gender roles and addressing the gender wage gap.
Unilineal descent is a system of tracing kinship through one gender, i.e., either through the male or the female line. It is subdivided into patrilineal descent, where lineage is traced through males, and matrilineal descent, where lineage is traced through females.
Racial classification refers to the categorization of humans into distinct groups based on inherited physical and genetic characteristics. It is a controversial and complicated topic due to the immense genetic diversity and cultural intermingling among humans worldwide.
The ways of acquiring a spouse are numerous and deeply rooted in cultural, economic, and social contexts. Understanding these practices helps anthropologists and sociologists comprehend the complex nature of human societies and their evolving norms and traditions.
Honor killings, a deeply disturbing cultural phenomenon, are murders committed under the pretext of preserving the perceived honor of a family or community. They occur when the victim, usually a female, is believed to have brought
Customary law is a fascinating subject in anthropology, as it offers insight into the structures of societies and cultures. This type of law, though not formally codified like statutory law, holds significant sway over local practices and behaviors.
The human legal framework's evolution is a fascinating journey from rudimentary principles of "primitive law" to complex edifices of "modern law". A grasp of this transformation is not just about understanding legal systems but also appreciating human evolution, culture, and society.
Shamanism, often characterized as the earliest form of spirituality, offers unique insights into the human quest for meaning, health, and connection with the natural world. This primal belief system, prevalent among hunter-gatherer societies and indigenous cultures, focuses on the Shaman—a spiritual mediator with the ability to traverse the physical and spiritual realms.