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The UPSC IAS Exam is a highly competitive examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to select candidates for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), and other civil services in India. This category covers the exam syllabus, pattern, and preparation strategies, as well as the eligibility criteria and selection process. From understanding the exam requirements to learning the tips and tricks for success, this category provides comprehensive information on the UPSC IAS Exam.

Culture and Society - Anthroholic

Culture and Society

Culture and Society complement one another. A shared set of beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artefacts that characterize a group or society is termed as culture.
Organic Evolution in Anthropology

Organic Evolution

Organic evolution is the gradual accumulation of genetic changes in populations of organisms over time that results in the transformation of species into new ones.
Anthropology and Humanities - Anthroholic

Relationship between Anthropology and Humanities

Anthropology and humanities are two fields of study that often overlap, but also have distinct differences. Both disciplines focus on understanding human behavior and culture, but they approach this subject from different perspectives. In this blog post, we will explore the similarities and differences between anthropology and humanities, and what sets each field apart.
Ethnoarchaeology - Anthropology


Ethnoarchaeology is the study of people from an anthropological viewpoint for archaeological reasons, frequently via investigating the physical vestiges of a civilization