

The dowry system is a custom embedded deeply within the socio-cultural fabric of many societies, particularly in South Asia, Africa, and parts of Europe. A dowry is a transfer of parental property, gifts, or money at the marriage of a daughter. It has deep historical roots and has varied in form and function across different cultures. However, it has also been a topic of considerable controversy, with numerous social and legal implications. This article delves into the complexities of the dowry system, considering its origins, evolution, societal impacts, and current legal implications.

Dowry System in Marriage in Cultural Anthropology

Historical Background

The concept of dowry dates back to ancient times, and it is documented in several cultures, including those of Ancient Rome, Greece, India, and Africa. Dowries were originally intended as a form of protection for the bride in case her husband died, divorced her, or mistreated her. It was considered a pre-mortem inheritance, ensuring the bride’s financial independence and security (Anderson, 2007).

Evolution of the Dowry System

Over time, the dowry system has transformed significantly. Initially designed as a form of security for women, it gradually turned into a burden for many families, especially those from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

  • In South Asia: Dowries became inflated due to various socio-economic factors, and it transformed into a prerequisite for marriages, contributing to gender inequalities (Srinivasan, 2005).
  • In Europe: The dowry system largely disappeared during the industrial revolution, as economic changes led to a shift in marriage customs and property arrangements.
  • In Africa: Dowry practices vary greatly, often involving a ‘bride price’ where wealth is transferred from the groom or his family to the bride’s family. However, some regions have also experienced issues with dowry inflation and exploitation.

Societal Impact of the Dowry System

The dowry system has significant societal impacts, influencing gender dynamics, socioeconomic structures, and even crime rates.

  • Gender Dynamics: The dowry system reinforces patriarchal norms, as it commodifies women, reducing them to financial transactions (Niaz, 2008).
  • Socioeconomic Impact: The dowry system perpetuates wealth and income disparities. Families with lower economic means often face significant pressure and hardship related to dowry expectations.
  • Crime Rates: There is a correlation between dowry demands and incidents of domestic violence, dowry deaths, and suicide. A case study from India, where dowry-related crimes have been documented extensively, provides further evidence (Kishwar, 1999).

Case Studies

  • Case Study 1 – India: Despite legal bans, dowry practices persist in India. Dowry disputes are associated with significant violence against women, with the National Crime Records Bureau reporting thousands of dowry-related deaths each year (NCRB, 2021).
  • Case Study 2 – Italy: In Italy, the dowry system existed until the late 19th century. It largely disappeared due to socio-economic changes and progressive legislation that promoted gender equality (Cazzola, 1996).
  • Case Study 3 – Kenya: In Kenya, the practice of bride price has come under scrutiny. While it is deeply rooted in cultural norms, it has been associated with instances of domestic violence and the commodification of women (Gachuhi, 1998).

Legal Implications and Reform

Over time, numerous legal reforms have been implemented to curb the negative impacts of the dowry system. For instance, India’s Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961 makes dowry demands a punishable offense, though enforcement remains a challenge (Bumiller, 1990). Similarly, in Kenya, recent legal reforms seek to regulate the bride price system to prevent exploitation and reinforce women’s rights (Republic of Kenya, 2014).


The dowry system is a complex societal institution with deep historical roots. While it initially served to provide financial security for women, its evolution has often led to adverse social and economic consequences. Understanding the intricate dynamics of this system is crucial to inform appropriate legal measures and societal reforms that uphold gender equality and women’s rights.


  • Anderson, S. (2007). The Economics of Dowry and Brideprice. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21(4), 151-174.
  • Bumiller, E. (1990). May you be the mother of a hundred sons: A journey among the women of India. Ballantine Books.
  • Cazzola, F. (1996). The history and disappearance of dowry in Italy. Journal of Family History, 21(4), 463-491.
  • Gachuhi, M. (1998). The African bride price: A documentary study. African Journal of Women’s Studies, 1(1), 32-45.
  • Kishwar, M. (1999). Off the beaten track: Rethinking gender justice for Indian women. Oxford University Press.
  • NCRB. (2021). Crime in India. National Crime Records Bureau.
  • Niaz, U. (2008). Violence against women in South Asian countries. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 11(1), 49-57.
  • Republic of Kenya. (2014). Marriage Act. National Council for Law Reporting.
  • Srinivasan, P. (2005). Daughters or dowries? The changing nature of dowry practices in South India. World Development, 33(4), 593-615.
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