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Social/Cultural Anthropology

Social and Cultural Anthropology is the study of human societies and cultures, including their beliefs, practices, and social organization. This category covers topics such as religion, economics, politics, and family, as well as the study of cultural diversity and globalization. From exploring the rich diversity of human cultures to understanding the complex social and cultural systems that shape our world, learn about the fascinating field of social and cultural anthropology.

Functions of Marriage - Anthropology

Functions of Marriage

Marriage is a vital social institution which performs important justifications without which society cannot survive and continue. The functions of marriage are one of the basis to understand marriage as an institution.
Marriage Exchanges - Cultural Anthropology - Anthroholic

Marriage Exchanges

The term marriage exchanges can be used to denote the payment of cash, gifts, or other valuables, in exchange for a bride or groom, or the exchange of women during a marital union.
Origin of Marriage - Anthropology

Origin of Marriage

The study of the origin of marriage can be traced back to the work of Morgan where he explained various kinship systems in Ancient Society (1877).
Hypogamy - Anthroholic


Hypogamy is a rule of marriage that is the exact opposite of hypergamy. American sociologist Robert K. Merton describes hypogamy as a case of “women marrying down”.
Ethnomusicology - Anthropology


Ethnomusicology is a field of knowledge that investigates the art of music as a physical, psychological, cultural and aesthetic phenomenon
Universality of Culture - Anthropology

Universality of Culture

The concept of universality of culture in anthropology refers to the idea that there are certain aspects of human culture that are common to all societies, regardless of their geographical location or historical time period.
Mass Culture Anthropology

Mass Culture

Mass culture refers to the popular culture that emerges from the commercialization of cultural practices and artifacts.
Cultural Revitalization - Anthropology

Cultural Revitalization

Cultural revitalization is the process of reclaiming and re-evaluating cultural practices, traditions, and values that have been lost or marginalized due to historical or contemporary factors.
Universality of Marriage - Anthropology

Universality of Marriage

Marriage is a social institution existing in all societies but the characteristics vary from culture to culture. Several anthropologists have made an effort to
Sororate Marriage - Anthroholic


Sororate Marriage is one where the husband marries the sister of the deceased or infertile wife. The term “Sororate” originated from the Latin word “soror” meaning sister.